DILAC Showcase
Come join us for our annual showcase event, where you can check out all we've been working on this year! The event is Wednesday, April 28 from 2-4 and the link is https://dilacshowcase.event.gatherly.io/. See you there!
2021 Digital Integrative Liberal Arts Center (DILAC) Grants
The Digital Integrative Liberal Arts Center (DILAC) invites proposals for projects in research, teaching, and community engagement, that engage undergraduates in exploring emerging forms of digital media and/or applied digital scholarship within the context of the Liberal Arts.
Applications due: March 15, 2021 with online submission at https://fm.iac.gatech.edu/fmi/webd/iac-dilac (Note: Must be on campus network or VPN to connect.)
Possible areas of focus include (but not limited to):
- Digital Archives
- Civic Media
- Interactive Narrative
- Text Analysis
- Public Understanding of Science, Technology, and Policy/Science Education
- Data Analysis and Visualization
- Digital Pedagogy
- Rethinking, re-orienting, or re-framing monuments, memorials, or historic storytelling spaces
- Explanatory simulations
- Projects that exploit new or existing Georgia Tech Library digital resources including the newly expanded Web of Science access, the ProQuest historical American newspapers now expanded by the addition of important Black newspapers, and the expanded coverage of gender issues in the Adam Matthew Digital collection.
For more details, please navigate to the RFP page using the link below:
DILAC-Indiecade Jamming the Curve
DILAC has partnered with Indiecade to produce a slow game jam, in which participants have been asked to create games that inform people on COVID-19.